2008年12月我貼了個網誌, 裏面附有一百幀5/60年
代的國/粵語片影星的圖片, 請網友諸君們認一下他
們是誰 ( 我鋪上的國/粵語片影星大都是二, 三綫
演員或配角, 因為我想一綫演員或主角太容易被認
得出來, 沒甚挑戰性). 貼網誌時我聲明謎底會於
一個月後揭曉, 惟因天生馬大哈, 竟忘了按時鋪出
答案, 現另開個網誌揭曉謎底, 並謹此致歉.
(54)小麒麟, 麥基, 關鍵
(53)林妹妹, 盧敦
(51)沈月華, 沈芝華
(50)李寶瑩, 林家聲, 吳君麗
(46)羽佳, 林寶儀
(43)梁無相, 半日安
(40)呂奇, 石燕 (在64年的”南北兩家親”中的劇照)
(39)胡蝶, 梁醒波, 梁素梅
(37) 嘉玲, 上官筠慧 (在 ”五月雨中花”中的劇照)
(36)羅蘭 (在 ”結婚的秘密”中的劇照)
(35)江雪, 徐小明 (在”新難兄難弟”中的劇照)
(34) 沈芝華, 鄭少秋
(31)苗金鳳, 張瑛
(30)容玉意, 檸檬, 李鵬飛
(29)曾江, 朱江
(28)鄧寄塵, 林鳳
(27)薛覺先, 伊秋水
(26)容玉意, 李清, 黃曼梨
(25)馬師曾, 劉克宣
(24)任劍輝, 梁醒波
(21)林丹, 雪艷梅
(19)丁羽, 麥基
(18)張儀, 陳振華, 張英才
(16)鄭孟霞, 林坤山
(15)馮寶寶, 梅欣)
(14)麥炳榮, 任劍輝 (在”洛神”中的劇照)
(10)張瑛, 嘉玲
(8)張瑛, 紫羅蓮, 吳楚帆 (在 ”危樓春曉”中的劇照)
(7)羅蘭, 姜中平 (在”難兄難弟”中的劇照)
(5)江一帆, 馬笑英
(4)何碧堅, 區嶽 (在”難兄難弟”中的劇照)
(2) 周坤玲, 黃超武
(1)黃超武, 俞明, 鳳凰女
回覆刪除Hi, I love to watch 粵語長片 when I was small. I don't like watching cartoon! 您小時有冇吃過經常在正街(前為聯華茶餐廳附近)用担挑擺檔賣的【糯米豬腸】的Chiu Chow style snack. 賣的是心機手作, 非常好吃有特式, I only can found there until now!
回覆刪除Oh! I see! Due to my dad shop was located at Des Voeux Rd. West. My Auntie and brother-in-law still live in Sai Wan since 195X. I rembered that my auntie always brought me to see the films at 太平 and 福星 theatre.
回覆刪除Interesting indeed. So many familiar faces. 有些糾正: (46) 林寶儀 , should it be 林家儀 (who's the sister of 林家聲), by the way, see her funny scene with Bruce Lee who bluffed about all different kinds of 阿飛 below (26) 光毅 should be 江毅. He's a very good side cast actor on screen and 話劇
回覆刪除thank you!
回覆刪除有一D老牌綠葉影星見慣見熟,但係叫唔出名,經過您的介紹,可以知悉。但係,行轉背又可能忘記了。 最近,見麥基在港台一小品,相貌眨眼睇-好似鄭君綿。佢在外國的園藝店被友人"托"佐去,好慘。
回覆刪除我似乎對家公不敬。 聽老伴的姐,妹輩>凡是見到林妹妹出鏡,就笑住對老伴講:呢個係你細媽呀!
回覆刪除幾乎全部都睇過他們演出,但叫得出名真冇幾個!!! 對這班付出過的前背很不敬.............. 很謝謝你!!!
西環仲有一間"金陵"戲院呀! 但後來拆了,建了金陵閣.
回覆刪除樂天的Co Co 2011-01-03 17:12
Oh! I see! Due to my dad shop was located at Des Voeux Rd. West. My Auntie and brother-in-law still live in Sai Wan since 195X. I rembered that my auntie always brought me to see the films at 太平 and 福星 theatre.
O my God! 歲月無情啊!
回覆刪除最懷念是李麗華, 現在該有80弘歲吧, 怎麼把自己收藏得那麼密, 總不見傳媒報導近況和照片.
唉,現在唯一可以在電視欣賞這些粵語片的機會也沒了。早前,每星期日的早上6點,A字電視台都會播過往的粵語片。可惜,最近也轉播A電視本身製作的過往劇集了。唉! 看報導,香港電影博物館將會播影一批過往40/50年代的粵語片。可惜地點與時間不配合。
回覆刪除The paparazzi have got sensitive noses and would hunt down anything thing by hook or by crook that’s worth the gossiping. I believe Li Li Hua has disappeared from the entertainment circle for such a long time that very few people, especially the younger generation, remember the existence of this once glamorous renowned actress. Out of curiosity, I certainly would want to see how she looks today but for sentimental reasons, perhaps I should leave her to peace so as to preserve a fond memory of my one-time idol.
回覆刪除Thanks so much, 真的很有感覺!細時窩在涼茶舖看電視,人數像現今的迷你影院,一部部的粵語片,每一個決片段都令人難忘....這是兒時的回憶
回覆刪除Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this blog. I remember all the faces and names of the actor and actress that you posted. I remembered that when I was very young; my landlady next door always leave her TV on, and I started watching those old movie before starting talking. All the costumes,the acting and the set in those movie have left a very deep impression in my mind; I always in love with the old time fashion, hair, and atmosphere. Sometime I even wonder if I am actually someone from the past. It will be awesome that if some day I can portray some of them on the screen or stage. Anyway, I really appreciate your taste and work on this blog. It is a wonderful way to honor all the 國粵語片前輩演員。
Shouldn't (32) be "江毅"?
回覆刪除32 Kwong Ngai . He passed away in hospital. 77 years old. Single,to another world.
回覆刪除un-ting-a -ble
回覆刪除持牌人,請問有無 丁櫻,翠碧,嘉碧,飄揚女士薉月照片
回覆刪除小時候最愛看黑白片. (2個多小時) ^^ 感謝您.