此刻, 我懶坐在沙發上, CD機正播放著一些我最喜
愛的歌曲. 忽然想起獨樂樂不如眾樂樂, 猛然爬起
身來, 把這些歌曲貼上網誌, 與你分享 (哈! 是否
有點7,80年代DJ的况味?). 其實分享的又豈只是歌
曲? 我最想和你分享的是我聽歌的經歷和情懷.
先此作個說明, 我不是專業的樂評人, 充其量只能
算是個半吊子的樂迷. 我聽歌的歷程跟大部份同齡
的朋友相似, 最先是從收音機的點唱節目中開始接
觸 ”歐西流行歌曲”( 那會兒對英文歌的稱謂),
然後不知道從甚麽地方弄來了幾盒卡式帶, 於是順
理成章的央求家里買部卡式帶錄音機, 從此開始可
以自選聽歌的生涯. 用卡式帶錄音機聽歌跟俯伏在
收音機旁聽歌的不同之處在於, 自由度比被動式的
聽任播音員/DJ放歌大得多. 我可以從不同角度,
如歌星, 流派, 風格, 年代等方面去挑選自己喜愛
的歌曲. 此後, 英文歌義無反顧地成為自已一生至
我還記得幾年後年紀漸長, 開始不滿足於音調單一
的卡式帶錄音機, 遂努力賺外快 (如課餘為小學生
補習等), 在”死慳死抵”了差不多一年後終於儲夠
錢在 ”山水你的六十天”優惠期內買了一套音響組
合, 我想當年這是個很”潮”的做法. 事實上我那
套音響組合曾經多次出征 – 借給朋友開Party 之
用; 然而 “借得山多終遇虎”, 有一次在搬運途
中一個不小心, 音響組合被人從樓上摔到地下, 隨
即宣告Certified (順帶的問一下, 腦友們可有往新
也許我的感性味蕾早已被急凍了, 我鍾情的音樂
(此處 ”音樂”單指 ”英文流行曲 Pop Songs”)
絕大部份是50至80年代的歌曲. 我承認這跟個人的
背景, 經歷, 偏好和年齡有關, 但我總覺得這個年
代的歌有歌味, 音樂有音樂味, 歌詞是言之有物
(Simon and Garfunkel 的歌詞似詩, 反越戰年代的
民歌的歌詞對社會充滿控訴性, 已是爭事實, 即
使Rock Bands 如Led Zepplin, the Who, Pink
Floyd 等, 其歌曲的含蘊其實也很深, 音樂的旋律
亦很耐聽). 對於現今的英文歌, 我只能坦承 “敝
好聽的英文歌如恆河沙數, 多長的篇幅也介紹
完. 今晚我只能摘其精彩中最精彩絕倫的與你分享.
先此聲明, 我為腦友們揀選的版本, 絕大部份是現
場演唱的, 有些音質可能及純CD版本, 但我覺得
這才是最原汁原味的 ”聽歌”之道. 各位若想聽
高質素音樂, 可徑自選純CD版本來聽.
(1) Cycles – Frank Sinatra
“廋皮猴” 法蘭·仙納杜拉素有 ”鬼佬新馬仔”
之稱. 事實上他倆有頗多相似之處, 如兩人都是身
材瘦削, 其貌揚, 唱腔自成一格, 都是唱而優則
演等. 在搖滾樂時代來臨前, 仙納杜拉可說是流行
音樂的傳奇. 法蘭仙納杜拉的音樂生涯始於搖擺樂
時代 (Swinging Time), 在1940年代初轉而成為獨
唱歌手. 1950年代初仙納杜拉曾一度陷入低潮, 但
生”. 仙納杜拉曾經與國會 (Capitol) 唱片簽約,
For Swingin' Lovers》、《Come Fly With
Me》、《Only the Lonely》和《Nice 'n' Easy》
等). 仙納杜拉亦被認為是第一位灌錄概念唱片的
人; 他在1955年發行的唱片《In the Wee Small
Hours》中只收錄了民謠, 並以夜深人靜, 痛失愛
情, 孤身一人的感覺為唱片的主調.
提起仙納杜拉, 一般人都會想起”My Way” , 這首
旋律源自法國名曲Comme d'habitude(一如往日)
的流行曲, "My Way"由保羅·安卡(Paul Anka)
改編成英文版, 隨後被仙納杜拉唱至風靡全球. 這
首歌在流行文化上亦常被用作為告別之用, 吟唱一
個人對生命的無怨無悔. 然而這裡我卻為你揀選了
他另一首同類型的歌曲 –“ Cycles”, 我第一次
聽這首歌是Sam Hui 的演繹, 覺得音樂旋律和歌詞
都很特別, 但感念怎麽樣深. 幾年後聽到仙納杜
拉的版本, 被他温厚而畧帶蒼桑的唱法深深的吸引
著, 他的”Cycles”像個長輩在耳畔向我悠悠的訴
說著人生的起承轉合, 那醇如舊酒的歌聲像磁石般
觸動著聽衆的神經, 我想這便是年輪的效應.
MV裏, 仙納杜拉手提著煙支, 一臉的滿在乎, 那
種爐火純青的臺風才是我所說的 ”有型有款”, 試
Cycles 的歌詞:
So I'm down and so I'm out
But so are many others
So I feel like tryin' to hide
My head 'neath these covers
Life is like the seasons
After winter comes the spring
So I'll keep this smile awhile
And see what tomorrow brings
I've been told and I believe
That life is meant for livin'
And even when my chips are low
There's still some left for givin'
I've been many places
Maybe not as far as you
So I think I'll stay awhile
And see if some dreams come true
There isn't much that I have learned
Through all my foolish years
Except that life keeps runnin' in cycles
First there's laughter, then those tears
But I'll keep my head up high
Although I'm kinda tired
My gal just up and left last week
Friday I got fired
You know it's almost funny
But things can't get worse than now
So I'll keep on tryin' to sing
But please, just don't ask me how
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(2) Long Long Time - Linda Ronstadt
歐美流行樂壇出過很多貌美歌甜的靚聲天后, 如
Oliver Newton John, Crystal Gayle, Carol
King, 以及英年早逝, 但歌喉卻獨一無二的Karen
Carpenter, 但不知怎地, 我卻對較沒那麽聞名的
Linda Ronstadt 情有獨鍾. 說Linda Ronstadt
不那麽聞名其實不對, 70年代她已是美國鄉村搖滾
天后, 她的歌路由流行曲起, 涵蓋至搖滾、鄉村、
拉丁, 一直到晚年的Jazz和歌劇, 以以民謠、小調,
和抒情小品等, 可謂多才多藝. 她一生共獲得了十
個Grammy獎, 五次登上了Rolling Stone滾石雜誌的
封面, 擁有唱片銷量超逾五千萬張的驕人成績. 喜
歡Linda Ronstadt , 是迷戀她清澈見底的歌喉,
Linda Ronstadt的歌聲, 彷如把你置身於遼闊空曠
的山谷, 迴盪內心所思所念, 讓你把所有感受完全
釋放. 無論是在唱消遙的民謠, 脆弱的鄉愁小調,
帶點勁道的鄉村搖滾, 委婉動人的抒情小品, 她那
熱情的音色, 總會讓你咀嚼出一份歲月的情感. 此
外 Linda Ronstadt更是美國搖滾界的伯樂; 殿堂級
樂隊-“The Eagles”曾是Linda Ronstadt的
Backing Group, Linda 可其算是The Eagles的幕
Linda Ronstadt的名曲很多, 最廣為人知的有 ”
When Will I Be Loved? ”, ” You're No Good
“, It's So Easy” , “ Blue Bayou “ 和
“Tracks of my tears”等. 其中“Tracks of
my tears” 這首歌我也喜歡到不得了, 個人認為她
所唱的版本比Smokey Robinson的更有韻味, 但這裡
我只能選一首歌, 這首歌非 “Long Long Time”莫
“Long Long Time”是首不折不扣的情歌, 歌者在
反覆地怨訴著一份終生不悔, 卻又無法企及的感情.
Linda Ronstadt的乾淨的嗓音與濃郁的情感將這首
讓人心碎情歌詮釋得刻骨銘心, 令人動容. 在歌的
末段Linda以優美的轉音娓娓吟唱出, 彷彿對戀人有
無限不捨, 但仍得噙著淚說分離. 聽著聽著, 讓人
在不知不覺間投入了那份無奈淒美. “Long Long
Time”對我來說有另一層意味, 記得我第一年在英
國過年, 大除夕晚大雪紛飛, 同學們都回家過聖誕
節和新年, 偌大的宿舍裏只剩下我一人. 躺在床
上, 除了遠處傳來幾聲狗吠外, 萬籟俱寂. 那種孤
寂感比寒風還要徹骨, 那個晚上我不斷重播著
“Long Long Time”, Linda 的歌聲像雙温柔的手
撫平自己的寂聊. 時至今日每次聽到這首歌, 我都
會不期然地想起那個與Linda Ronstadt共處的夜晚.
Long Long Time 歌詞
Love will abide, take things in stride
Sounds like good advice
But there's no one at my side
And time washes clean love's wounds unseen
That's what someone told me
But I don't know what it means
*Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Caught in my fears
Blinking back the tears
I can't say you hurt me
When you never let me near
And I never drew one response from you
All the while you failed over girls you
never knew
Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
And I think it's gonna hurt me
For a long, long time
Wait for the day you'll go away
Knowing that you warned me of the price I'd
have to pay
And life's full of loss
Who knows the cost
Living in the memory of the love that never
Cause I've done everything I know
Try and change your mind
And I think I'm gonna miss you
For a long, long time(*)
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(3) Theme from Harry's Game - Clannad
Clannad的嗓音彷彿能穿透心靈, 予人以靈魂坐沙發
的感覺, 其音樂混合了傳統愛爾蘭音樂和現代音樂
元素, 而烏托邦式的氣氛則時刻强調人與自然界的
和諧共處. 即使時至今日, Clannad在歐洲樂壇仍
然佔據著獨特的位置. 如果你喜歡Enya或者
Loreena McKennitt類型的歌手, 那末Clannad的優
Clannad是個很特別的音樂組合, Clannad這個名字
取自蓋立克語(Gaelic, 愛爾蘭土語), 意思是來
自城鎮的家庭(an clann as Dobhar), 直截了當
地說明是他們是個家族樂團. 這個家族樂團由五個
人創立; 莫雅(Maire)是主音歌手, 其他成員還有
她的弟弟Ciaran和Pol, 他們都是Brennan家的人;
而Noel 和Padraig Duggan則是才大他們幾歲的一對
雙胞胎舅父. 莫雅的妹妹恩雅(Enya)也曾經在
Clannad裏待過, 不過為時很短; 她在1979年時加
入, 1982年便振翅單飛了. Maire曾經錄制個人專
輯, 一度使樂迷以為她要離團, 幸好最終沒有成事.
Clannad裏每個人可都是身手不凡的; 他們每個人都
能唱擅奏. Maire能演奏豎琴;Ciaran 則是
guitar;舅舅Noel 和Padraig會演奏古典吉他和曼
陀鈴;Enya則是擅長keyboard. 其實或Clannad上
一輩都玩音樂, 家學淵源下使Clannad的音樂呈現出
1980年代初, Clannad簽署了RCA唱片, RCA徵詢他們
是否有興趣為一套英國電視劇 ”Harry's Game"創
寫主題曲 (”Harry's Game"描述一個”無間道”在
北愛爾蘭的生與死, 帶出當年英國在北愛爾蘭的困
境, ”Harry's Game"首映時我仍在英國, 很能感受
到箇中的滄涼和無奈). Ciarán, Pól 和Máire聚在
一起, 創作了這首 "Theme from Harry's Game".
這首歌曾打進英國流行榜 (Top of the Pops) 的第
五名, 也是英國流行榜有史以來唯一完全以Gaelic
語演唱的細碟(Single). 搖滾樂隊 U2在1983-87年
巡迴音樂會中每次結束時都會播放這首歌. 每次
聽"Theme from Harry's Game", 都很能感受到
Clannad 那種融合傳統民謠和現代搖滾和世界音樂
的風格, 加上無懈可擊的和音, 散發著一股澴濃濃
的失落和迷茫感, 這股韻味是你無法在其他樂隊身
Theme from Harry's Game歌詞
Imtheochaidh soir is siar
A dtainig ariamh
An ghealach is an ghrian
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the doh fol the day
Imtheochaidh an ghealach's an ghrian
An Daoine og is a chail 'na dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the doh fol the day
Imtheochaidh a dtainig ariamh
an duine og is a chail ne dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the doh fol the day
I will go east and go west
[To the places] from whence came
The moon and the sun
The moon and the sun will go
And the young man
With his reputation behind him
I will go wherever he came from -
The young man with his reputation behind him
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(4) What is a Youth - Nino Roti
“What is a Youth”是佛羅倫斯導演 Franco Zeffirelli所執導的1968年版的《殉情記》(Romeo and Juliet) 的主題曲. 《殉情記》由當時同是17歲的 Leonard Whiting 及Olivia Hussey分別擔綱飾演劇中16歲的羅密歐與14歲的茱麗葉. 這對金童玉女的組合至今仍是電影史上的最佳情侶拍檔, 男的俊美加上女的嬌娋加深了電影中的青春的活力, 使男女主角對愛情的衝動 (電影末段的殉情) 更為可信.
“What is a Youth”這首主題曲出現的一幕是羅密歐與茱麗葉在舞會上相遇; 羅密歐被茱麗葉清純脫俗的模樣吸引, 久久不能移開目光, 彷佛在芸芸眾生中找到了感情的歸宿; 而茱麗葉似乎感覺到有一隻熱燙的眼睛緊緊凝視自己, 當兩人四目交投那一剎, 如電光火石般, 雙方已經交換了彼此的感情和一生的諾. 在人來人往的舞池裏, 他們不斷追逐對方的身影, 惟恐一個轉身, 便會從此失去對方. 這種眾裏尋他千百度後終於遇上的狂喜, 實非筆墨可以形容. 這一幕所包含著的千言萬語, 在我心目中, 只有帝女花香夭中周世顯掀起長平公主鳳冠上的遮面布, 兩人相顧黯然, 惟有淚千行差可比擬. 我想對未來和愛情充滿憧憬的年青人都會喜歡這部電影; 雖然故事最後是悲劇收場, 然而死亡讓愛情獲得永恆, 因為死亡之後愛情就不會生變. 初戀的最美麗之處是沒有一個美滿的結局, 淡淡而來, 淡淡而去, 我們都把最美好的回憶留在心中, 因為它有著最美麗的過程.
"What Is a Youth". 由吟遊詩人獻唱, 歌詞中讚頌少男如烈火, 少女如冰霜與慾望, 訴說了愛情的甜美與苦澀, 也感嘆青春歲月如花開花謝般短暫. 另外也預言了Romeo 和 Juliet青春的肉體與熱情, 雖在此刻艷麗綻放, 卻無法避免如玫瑰花般匆匆殞落. "What is a Youth" 曾被已故流行音樂暨電影配樂大師Henry Mancini改編成通俗歌曲版的 "A Time For Us", 並於1969年榮獲全美Billboard〈流行單曲排行榜〉與〈成人抒情排行榜〉雙料冠軍, 很多流行樂壇巨星如Andy William和 Johnny Mathis 都唱過此曲.
“What is a Youth”歌詞
What is a youth?
Impetuous fire.
What is a maid?
Ice and desire.
The world wags on.
A rose will bloom,
it then will fade.
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.
Comes a time when one sweet smile
has a season for a while....
Then love's in love with me.
Some they think only to marry,
others will tease and tarry.
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid he rules us all.
Caper the cape, but sing me the song.
Death will come soon to hush us along.
Sweeter than honey... and bitter as gall.
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Cupid he rules us all.
A rose will bloom,
it then will fade.
So does a youth.
So does the fairest maid.
(部份上述文字節錄自我早前網誌 ”總有幾齣情竇初開的電影 (2)” )
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Wow! Old days memories番晒嚟!Long long time正!
回覆刪除Thanks for bringing back those memories!
我生于一个沒有電视机的年代,家中只有一部cassette 收音机;所以我是聽歌長大的。以上的歌: Long Long Time, What is a Youth 我都有聽過。其實除了Linda Ronstadt, Simon & Garfunkel 重有 Brothers Four; Peter, Paul & Mary; Carpenter, Rod Stewart, BeeGees, Joni Mitchell, John Denver.......好多好多。他們的歌,真的百聽不厭。
回覆刪除Why not?
回覆刪除Would like to share mine. It's "Hello darling" by Lynn Anderson. Search youtube for it.
回覆刪除真的懷疑你是一個音樂人。從 Frank Sinatra 到 Zepplin 都識。小弟也是聽空中小郵差同 Write In 長大的!Thank you for bringing back those good old days again.
回覆刪除Thanks for bringing back those memories! Waiting your introduction Thanks !
回覆刪除“廋皮猴 真的百聽不厭
回覆刪除Good topic. 對我這個超級樂迷 (也曾在1980年在香港周刊音樂版寫過一年多樂評 ), 這篇實令我有太多話想說.
回覆刪除Let's start with your first choice "Cycles". Frank Sinatra 在60年代末
嘗試擺脫他之前 "老一代" 的風格, 這首 Cycles 就是至佳的嘗試,
因為以當時 MOR blended pop style 的編曲, modern rhythm section and 樂器 (MOR means Middle of the Road) 來演繹 ..., 就更雅俗共賞. 之後他也有另一 similar style 上榜歌 Love's been good to me
(是改編當年加拿大詩人歌手 Rid Mckuen 的作品), 有興趣可在
youtube search "Frank sinatra love's been good to me".
但 this time 我想瞓身推薦和 Sinatra 同期的 Perry Como 一首
我認為是至佳的 "老牌歌手 go contemporary" 的典範 And I Love You So.
Perry 的歌喉比 Sinatra 更溫婉, 尤其此曲有民歌味的結他伴奏.
(因為原曲是 民歌 style 唱作人 Don Mclean 的佳作), 又有情歌的
味道. 每次再聽都令我感動不已.
回覆刪除你分享的歌都幾好聽~! 等我都介紹些, 正斗懷舊英語金曲你聽~!
Patti Page - The Tennessee Waltz
Patti Page - Changing Partners
Patti Page - I Went To Your Wedding
Julie Rogers - The Wedding
Oh! Carol - Neil Sedaka
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters
Are You Lonesome Tonight - Elvis Presley
Hotel California - Eagles
Further recommandation - Matt Monroe's "The portrait of my love" and "Autumn leaves". To me, he's the best male singer.
回覆刪除I like melodious, acoustic, vocal music and am a true lover of old songs. The standards and requirments in olden days were very high and that m any old songs are in general much more melodious, meaningful and inspirational than the new ones. Those old songs were mostly composed of heart touching lyrics which often connect to the way of life during that period. Having said that, it is not really just the words but the sort of feeling of connection with something which sometimes makes you feel something special about the old songs. When you are listening to certain old songs, they remind you the way you used to live and in the background of many different things, these often bring you back a flood of bitter and sweet memories.
Imagine there's no Heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people, Living for today Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too, Imagine all the people, Living life in peace You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will live as one
Linda Ronstadt當年的爽朗、不做作的聲線與台風,正是吸引我們小年15、20時的小伙子,直到現在也是我經常重温回味的歌手。
回覆刪除山水套裝機 , 還有 marantz 的 amplify,
回覆刪除平時提起 Frank Sinatra, 想起的就是 My Way, 多謝介紹這首 Cycles, 歌詞也很有意思 , 而我更喜歡 Bing Crosby 的歌曲 , 看過黃導演的電影 , 又愛上了 Nat King Cole 而大多數 Patti Page 的歌曲 , 唱和音都是她本人包辦 , 她上了年紀都有翻唱她的首本名曲及出 CD, 我就會選擇聽她早期錄音的版本
仙納杜拉手提著煙支, 一臉的滿在乎, 那種爐火純青的臺風才是我所說的”有型有款”, 試問有那個後輩歌手有這種型格?
回覆刪除----- 我認為,LESLIE CHEUNG,可與他比美。可惜,兩者佳歿了。
上連的歌只有 Clannad 的一首從未聽過, 多謝介紹 Frank Sinatra 最多人熟悉的歌當然是 My Way, 這首 Cycles 是Frank 迷的另一至愛。 講到 My Way, 雖然有很多歌手翻唱, 但我喜歡的只有 Sinatra 這個版本, 因為只有他才能唱出歌曲的神髓。 我也很喜歡 Matt Monro, Wednesday Child 也是我的 favourite, 我還喜歡他另一首冷門歌, 電影"Italian Job"(米高堅主演那一部)的主題曲 On days like these
回覆刪除多謝分享Romeo and Juliet的照片!比十年前的Leonardo Dicaprio 和Claire Danes更有味道呢!
沒有,沒有遺忘,其實是沒法遺忘。記得「殉情記」是我和姐姐第一次自己到戲院看的戲,一生中的第一次,一世都不會遺忘。同期還有很多很流行的電影主題曲,例如' Interlude',' Love Story', 'They Way We Were' 等,只記得歌名,電影名稱也忘了。或者可以介紹一下啊。
回覆刪除mon ami
The fact that 'Romeo and Juliet' was so popular in our days is that it represents the kind of ideal true love that young people long for: love is a determination, a promise, a commitment. But it's a pity that nowadays these values become more and more faded out. Well, does this kind of love exists in reality? May be only a mother's love can come near to it. Sorry, this seems to have nothing to do with music.
回覆刪除I like the seekers, and amazed to find that they had sang a version of 'Plaisir d'amour' (The pleasure of love). But I find the version by Joan Baez is much more haunting. I know that this song is a guitar classic. Because of this song, I got interested in French. Speaking French is like singing a song!
回覆刪除不知道如何在潛意識裏植入意念。根據自己的經驗,只知道在日間被壓抑下來的情緒或願望等心理活動,都會躲到潛意識裏,很多時卻會在夢境中釋放出來。這令我想起中學時一位中文老師,把一份校內文藝刊物取名為《馳騁》,暢所欲言之意。用「馳騁」來形容夢中的自我,尤為貼切。夢中的我是自由的,如流水行雲般,不受拘 束的,自己是夢的創造者,像一匹馬兒在草原上恣意的奔跑,讓他帶著自己走向地平線的另一端,走向那無邊無際,從此共醉夢鄉———但願長醉不願醒!
回覆刪除法蘭仙納杜拉那首My Way,一些來自台灣的資料說它是電影[奪標]的插曲,朋友中可有人知道電影的英文原名及香港中文譯名. TK Chan
回覆刪除花香處處,滿室芬芳,又到情人節。關於愛情的歌曲很多,不過,我想分享一本由精神分析學家Erich Fromm 弗洛姆寫的關於愛的書:The Art of Loving 愛的藝術。這不是一本愛情指南,它只是指出現代人對「愛」的誤解,例如受了free market 的概念影響,treat love as a kind of 'commodity', and the process must be a fair trade 公平的交易。弗洛姆則認為,愛是一種藝術,需要知識及努力去實踐,in which you can develop and discover your own self, whether it's brotherly love, mother's love or erotic love.
答TK,依稀記得有一齣英語片中譯名是奪標,講述一名運動員的奮鬥歷程;主題曲亦很流行,但My Way 是否這片的插曲就不知曉.
回覆刪除I must say that the book 'the art of loving' emphasizes on the social aspect of love, that's why it use the word 'loving' instead of 'love', to emphasize that loving is an activity, a process that must be carried out by oneself in his life, it is an art because this process is unique to the person, no one has the same experiences as you. Like an artist, you make your own drawing, you make your own calligraphy, etc.......
回覆刪除What the book tries to convey is that before people enter into a love relationship, they must understand that it is a determination, a promise and a commitment. and you must have the courage and persistence to go on. Well I agree that this may be an illusion only, one that you may not be able to cope with as you go on. Once there is a binding relationship, things become totally different.
I hear a famous columnist once said that although 'love' involves two people, it is actually a very personal thing. I like this idea. The philosophy in it is inspiring.
多謝泥人兄及西環兄對[奪標]電影的回應, 從台灣網站得知它是一部南非電影,(1974年),至於英文名是否也是My Way不得而知,亦無從知其劇情,男女主角是誰,全部網站都是人云亦云,根本無人看過這部片.
回覆刪除Of course, I will not persuade you to agree to any concept about love, because love is an abstract thing, and it's only the activities associated with love are visible to us. Here comes the problem.People tend to materialize their feeling, like what you said, to love somebody is to 'own' him/her. In the book, the author had pointed out many of the misconcepts about love, like treating love as a commodity, as a kind of ownership, try to control the person, etc.
回覆刪除The book points out that love is a state of mind, or an attitude in life, such that the persons in it can discover himself, and finally brings his personality to perfection or maturity. But there is no control of one side to the other. In other words, love is a force to enhance the development of the people involved, but at the same time they remain two separate entities. Nobody owns the other. This is the point where I agree most and try to experince it through the years.
This comes to the point why people don't love each other anymore because of the changes in one happened. I think it's because what originally attracts them are only superficial expressions of love. For me, if I love that person, he must have something in him that I admire, adore and appreciate, and that thing should be treasured and developed, so that the feeling of love never dies out. But I don't know if this is conditional or unconditional love.
Let's look at love in another way. On Valentine's day I took my mother to the hospital for an appointment with the doctor. Love beccomes a responsibility. You cannot avoid all the things connected with it. I ask myself, what will happen when I'm as old as her ? I don't really know.
回覆刪除But things are usually out of our control. Some time ago, one relative about my age died of cancer. We have to comfort her mother. I think the greatest sorrow on earth 莫過於白頭人送黑頭人。All these things we have to take when we love someone. This is life, and love is the answer to existence.
I think that pursuing love is just like pursuing the truth. There is no end to it, 只有「止於至善 」,為什麼人總是要自尋煩惱,去追求這些無形的東西?也許這樣可以給我們的人生付予意義吧。
No one can say definitely that you are a winner or a loser except yourself. As long as you feel happy, contented, comfortable and peaceful at heart, you are a winner. You must be loyal to yourself, loyal to your own feelings, like a child. Don't push yourself too much, everyone has his own place.
回覆刪除Do you remember what the Little Prince has told us?------
'It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.'
Thanks to my Petit Prince, je t'aime toujours!
And, I slowly opened my eyes, I realized that it was all but a dream. It was the sweetest and most sensational dream that I've ever had. If it should come again...
回覆刪除'Dream of the Red Chamber' is a great novel that I can never finish reading till the end, like a dream without ending.
I think the girl shouldn't have destroyed herself. There is at least one reason for her existence---her mother. She was the only one who cried for her and bears the greatest sorrow and pain!
Every time my heart feel painful when I saw the negative feelings in you...
I can't remember. I think it's about the girl who hanged herself after quarrelling with someone. It doesn't matter.
回覆刪除Hey, why are you sleeping so late at night? what are you up to?
試譯Cycles – Frank Sinatra
回覆刪除Cycles 的歌詞: 流轉
So I'm down and so I'm out
But so are many others
So I feel like tryin' to hide
My head 'neath these covers
Life is like the seasons
After winter comes the spring
So I'll keep this smile awhile
And see what tomorrow brings
I've been told and I believe
That life is meant for livin'
And even when my chips are low
There's still some left for givin'
I've been many places
Maybe not as far as you
So I think I'll stay awhile
And see if some dreams come true
There isn't much that I have learned
Through all my foolish years
Except that life keeps runnin' in cycles
First there's laughter, then those tears
But I'll keep my head up high
Although I'm kinda tired
My gal just up and left last week
Friday I got fired
You know it's almost funny
But things can't get worse than now
So I'll keep on tryin' to sing
But please, just don't ask me how