老友 ON JOHN 兄傳來一輯舊相, 估計是他年輕時候的留影. 只見相中紅男綠女, 個個都英姿勃發, 可謂當時少年春衫薄, 翩翩似鳥海歸來. 徵得ON
JOHN 兄同意, 遂將照片在此發表與各位分享. 在你儲物櫃的深處, 是否也有一兩叠這樣的舊相? 若有, 那你上次取出來看是幾年前的事了?
1950年的長洲東灣 2
1965年的青山禪寺 2
We looked exactly like the people in the pictures when we were in our secondary school or university back in the 60s and 70s!
回覆刪除I really like the dress of the 60s to 70s, they might be a bit exaggerate but do have a style of its own~~
回覆刪除You do have a point here, the golden building resembles to 海富中心 or 遠東金融中心,may be On John兄 can give us a more specific date as to which year approximately that this photo was taken?
回覆刪除Never mind, please give me some time to verify~~
刪除i saw some old hk picture, hope you like it
從文咸東街往西走便出了上環的區域, 進入西環了. 這是1930年文咸東街年尾花市盛況.
開張不久得雲大茶樓. 據記載得雲開業於1900-1910之間, 共歷百年光景. 左方向下走是文咸東街, 鴨蛋里.
Thank you for your recommendation, I sure will go and take a look, talking about 鴨蛋里, I have had the luck to witness the last days of this signatory site of Central and it really is some memory~~