今天路過山道,赫然發覺潮洲團體在毗鄰加倫台的山道斜路處搭了個棚攪盂蘭盛會,遂走過去湊熱鬧,也乘機拍了些照片權作記錄。 由於山道行人路比較狹窄,戲棚和祭祀的神壇頗為侷促. 記憶中早期西環的盂蘭勝會設於觀龍樓對落科土街的空地 (即今日堅尼地城地鐵站和科土街遊樂場) 處, 我還記得夜裏鑼鼓喧天,然後煞科夜是例牌的拍賣祭品,那振耳欲聾的喇叭徹夜轟炸至凌晨三四點才結束,當時覺得很煩厭,現在回想起來,卻是童年回憶不可或缺的部份。 今天政府推廣傳統節目,盂蘭節恭逢其會,能夠著力保存中國文化當然是件好事,問題是,年青的一代有興趣搞中國鬼節嗎?他們寧可保留精力去搞去玩 Halloween ,更有甚者香港寸金尺土,那來這 麼多空地去搞一年一度的盂蘭勝會? 場地難求是盂蘭節搞手最頭痛的地方。 我只希望,這個如此獨特的節日能夠繼續傳承下去.
Dear Sai Wan Big Brother,
回覆刪除I have been living along the Hill Road, up and down , for more than 3 decades.
In my memory, this YU LAN OPERA event has been there since 80's.
In the past, the event would last for more than a week when compared with only a few days currently.
There were temporary kitchen and team would have meals in the open area. ( TAI WOR FAN).
At the night time, hawkers were selling snacks within the avenue, kids were playing around. Haha
童年時,西環盂蘭節打醮很熱鬧, 主辦單位將幾架貨事泊在一起權作舞台攪綜合表演. 有歌舞, 有魔術等表演, 是我童年美好回憶的一部份~~
刪除In the past, there were a busy wet market in the junction of Hill Road and South Lane. Inside the South Lane , there were stalls selling cheap clothing and domestic goods.
回覆刪除At that time, there were a stone stair-case joining the Hill Road and Queen's Road West, in the site of the current market complex.
The man called " Kai ( chicken) Yu", who were a live chicken seller, hanged the cages over the cliff of the stair-case and kept his live chicken there.
I dont recollect any wet market in south lane, this is because in my childhood time we dont have to/ go that far to buy groceries. South Lane is now a quite street with only a few isolated/deserted street stalls, however, new residential skyscrapers are erected waiting for occupation~~
刪除There were a huge Banyan Tree in KA LUN TERRACE which were suffocated to death just few years ago by the government pubic works.
回覆刪除I know that tree, last time I remember it was still there~~
刪除Then there was PO TUCK ST, in the old days, every morning, noon and evening , that was before and after school time, there were food hawkers selling "Chair Chai noodles", Cheung Fun", " Small bowel shark fins soup", " chicken legs, kidneys ..."
回覆刪除I used to have my pre-school breakfast and post school snacks there for many many years.
In front of PO TUCK ST, there were to Green Colored stalls, selling all sorts of soft drinks, ice-creams, potato chips, shrimp chips ..... and small toys and models...
All my pocket money were spent there,.. ..
I still remember, one of the stall owner named " CHUI KOR", the other was " CHU PAK ( uncle) and CHU SHUM ( Auntie ).
Haha,, such sweet and heart warming childhood memories~~
回覆刪除山道附近的變化已經𣎴算巨大了, 起碼保德街, 加倫台仍未有參天高厦~~
回覆刪除其實爲何不可以先派籌, 再予以充足時間慢慢攞米?